Gaia’s Collective

Growing Community

A vision of a greener, more sustainable food system for the people and planet. Creating accessibility for all to have fresh, organic produce through landscape design, lectures and workshops.

three mushrooms in moss
mushroom in moss

Creating an edible future

Furthering our commitment to creating a greener and more sustainable environment, we specialize in converting lawns into beautiful and productive edible gardens. Our team of experts works closely with private residences to design and implement personalized edible garden projects. Imagine the pleasure of picking fresh greens and herbs from your own backyard - it's a small step towards a greener and self-sufficient lifestyle.

Designing edible landscapes

Mushrooms for all

nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,
three mushrooms, one on branch

At Gaia’s Collective, One of our primary focuses is helping individuals cultivate their own mushrooms through informative and interactive workshops.

By providing the knowledge and tools needed, we empower people to grow their own culinary mushrooms right at home.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced mushroom cultivator, our workshops offer a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding and skills in mushroom cultivation.

floating mushroom
three floating mushrooms

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